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case study _ Salesforce Lightning

Salesforce Lightning: CRM Layout Redesign
Company: Forward Financing

Project Background

​Many user groups at Forward Financing such as Sales, Account Servicing, Legal, and Funding, use Salesforce for their everyday tasks. The decision was made to switch the experience from Salesforce Classic to Lightning. The Product team thought that this presented a great opportunity to improve user experience by addressing pain points for these user groups.


My Role

My role was to design the information layout of the new Salesforce Lightning experience for internal teams by using existing Lightning components in order to address existing pain points and improve efficiency of each team.




Product and UX teams had done prior research to:

  • Identify current process/user flows

  • Identify pain points for each user group

  • Identify information flows for each of the tasks (information loops)


Design Process

Design Considerations

  • Users need to get to relevant information fast in order to offer the best service to the customers and also to be able to easily achieve their daily quota

  • If any custom components are needed does Forward Financing have the bandwidth to maintain them?

  • A large number of components on a single page might slow the Salesforce down and hinder users' efforts


Design Decisions

  • Placement of the components on a page is based on the importance of the information contained in the component and on the frequency of utilizing that information

  • Information is grouped in such a way to easily close the information loops

  • Pages are organized to follow the user's approach to tackling their everyday tasks


Final Design

Each of the user groups works on either deals or cases and therefore I created a layout that clearly leads the users through high priority deals/cases first, and enables them to easily view their status and take needed actions. 

New Sales Information Layout Sketches

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